Holy Mole, Lamb of God

One Leg of lamb. De-bone, De-fat, De-sinew, cut into rough
chunks of a maximum dimension of one inch or so. Brown on grill or in
fry pan w/ salt&pepper.

Set aside.

1/2 cinnamon stick
1 oz chocolate
1 large can of tomatoes, or crushed tomatoes, the ~25 oz size.
3 or 4 tomatillos.
6oz sundried tomatoes.
1/2 bottle of red wine
3 heads of garlic (yes, heads)
3 cayenne peppers
1 tbl spoon of cumin
2 tbl spoons of dark chili
1 tbl spoon salt
2 tbl of beef stock glaze

Grind the everlovin' bejeezus out of this stuff in a Cuisinart. It
should look like lava afterwards.

Add lamb.

Add two bay leaves.

Add four cloves.

Cook covered in the oven for 2.5 hours at 275, then 15 minutes at 250 to
evaporate it somewhat. Lamb should fall apart.