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Commended by the Los Angeles Times and BootBlog, The Cruising Insider has been a reliable source of valuable cruise vacation tips for years. This new cruise guide contains over 50 pages of information, speeding you on your way to becoming more knowledgeable on the pricing tactics of the cruise industry, as well as providing valuable cruise tips and port-of-call details.
Like many people, Kim and I spent lots of years hearing about the cruise vacations that other folks were taking. We saw beautiful pictures of exotic places that we, as a young and dirt poor couple, thought we may never see. We lived one day at a time, congratulated others on the chance to take amazing voyages, and hoped for the day when money was easier to come by.
Years later, when the money did come a little easier, we were blessed to be able to leave our two kids with the grandparents for a few days, and go on our first cruise. We had saved our pennies, shopped around for what we thought was the best deal, and we were at sea for the very first time.
What a vacation! We knew we'd have to go again, and we knew that, if we were to go any more than once every few years, we'd have to really dig in and find ways to seriously cut the costs of going...
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