Kawaii shopping in tokyo japan

Kawaii Shopping In Tokyo Japan

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Are you looking for the best kawaii shopping experiences in Tokyo, Japan? Do you want to know exactly where to go to find the cutest collections of kawaii goods and the best range while still having time to take in the sights of Tokyo? Then this will be the most important message you ever read.

I have been to Tokyo nine times (most recently in April / May 2012) and have spent hours and hours scouting out the best and easiest to find kawaii shopping experiences around Tokyo.

Every time I come home from Tokyo my suitcases are full of kawaii cuteness – soft toys, stickers, stationery, Re-ment toys, gachapon, adorable socks, cute home wares and anything else you can imagine.

I used to tell them just to look around online for information and suggestions for cute stores in Tokyo. But the truth is, that just doesn't cut it!

I have spent hours scouring the internet, looking at blogs and travel websites trying to find the best places to shop. And I can tell you, it is not easy work. Most of the websites are either in Japanese (I don't speak or read a word of it), don't provide any directions (so how are you supposed to find anything?) or are several years old and completely out of date (doesn't that drive you nuts?).

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